International Research Centre for Advanced Functional Nanostructured Materials and technologies

IRC-NANO  is a Private non-profit institution uniting researchers from leading Ukrainian research institutions and abroad, working in emerging fields of material physics and nanotechnologies.


Provide front-rank research and intensify the exchange of scientific knowledge with the International community, build a sustainable network of partnerships and funding sources and manage the financial risks by diversifying the research areas. 

The strategy of IRC NANO is to evolve from a compact core of excellence to a full-scale international research centre with well-developed infrastructure, laboratories, highly qualified senior staff, Post Docs, PhD students and visiting professors, with compact efficient administration and technical team. 

IRC NANO intends to promote fundamental and applied research in material physics and chemistry attracting the highest international level scientists, acting decisively towards the scientific development of the Country, establishing international partnerships in order to strengthen Ukrainian participation in European and International research networks, widely communicating and disseminating the frontier-research results to the broad audience.  Academic centres and local companies having a deep historical background in the manufacturing of nanomaterials and leading R&D groups working on end-user applications will support this development. 

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IRC NANO unique

Vision and Uniqueness

The IRC NANO supposes to develop a new approaches in material science based on the convergence of two major paradigmatic states of the matter, the hard-bonded material systems, typically crystalline, with the interatomic chemical bond energy higher than 1 eV and the soft-bonded material systems with the interatomic and intermolecular chemical bonding energies less than 0.1 eV.

 Such synergy of material building block approaches will enable a great variety of new nanostructures providing fundamentally different materials with outstanding functional properties.